Friday, March 9, 2012

freckly face.

Both K and I have got 'em and we both flaunt 'em! Actually, we have no choice but to flaunt them.. they're everywhere. Some call it sun damage, we just call it skin. Our freckles have been with us since we were little girls, and we can only hope that they stick around for a while longer. You wouldn't want them disappearing either if they masked your paleness, camouflaged blemishes and maybe even a wrinkle or two, and brought you back to your youth. If nothing else, we always have a game of 'connect the dots' at the ready! Just be sure to use a non-permanent marker. Also, I'm fairly certain that our spirit animal is a leopard - trés trendy, no? A nice and sheer tinted moisturizer with SPF is our god and savior, and as long as the dermatologist keeps checking them out and finding nothing sketchy about our polka dots, we're good to go.
And we can only hope that their powers of good are enough to save Lindsay Lohan. SNL was a good start.
So, are you a sister of the spots too?

{Sorry about that lame quote. It's relevant and that's all there is to it.}

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