Tuesday, February 28, 2012

mr. alexis.

Meet Alexis. No, not on the left.. on the right. Don't you know who that is on the left? What's wrong with you?! Sorry, that was rude.. Okay, Iris Apfel (who should probably get her own dedicated post somewhere down the line) is on the left and Alexis Bittar is on the right.
He is a connossieur of the pretty and the lighthearted, and I am completely unable to figure out how we aren't yet best friends forever.

If you were curious, the way to my gaudy, child-of-the-1980s heart is a) bright colors, b) sparkles, and c) metallics. Together.
The inspirations for his new collection are the sad and the fabulous, whereas the stuff he creates is just plain fabulous.

Little Edie and Big Edie of Grey Gardens, the original "GG."

Miss Havisham, another glam recluse. 
Georgia O'Keefe, painter of the Southwest.. among other things.

Speaking of fabulous, this is what we have to look forward to for Summer 2012!

AB does AbFab

I recommend beginning the penny-pinching at this very second so you can start to acquire as many of these mood-elevating and eye-catching beauties as humanly possible. And my birthday is in October, so you have some time to save for that as well.


  1. I love everything Alexis Bittar. And am I right here?? He's sort of good looking?
