Monday, February 6, 2012

do you downton?

Do you need a break from the Kardashians? Do you have a soft spot for British accents? Do you like sassy old ladies? Perchance you also root for the underdog from time to time? I'm fairly certain that the last thing I watched on PBS was Sesame Street, but now, decades later, there is a new reason to turn to channel 11 - Downton Abbey! Ever heard of it? Of course you have. Even though we were most likely not the target audience, all the cool kids are doing it! (That's right.. I'm a cool kid.) Catch yourself up with season 1 and then start tuning in to season 2 on Sunday nights. The characters are worth becoming attached to, the social classes (gasp!) often overlap, there is at least one actual scandal, and some moments are genuinely funny (cue aforementioned sassy old ladies). 

And now I shall leave you with the SNL synopsis.


  1. I really need to check this out. I've heard rave reviews!

  2. You really should! If for no other reason, NO COMMERCIALS!
