Monday, April 2, 2012

design yourself, hey hey.

It's Monday. You're tired, and barely capable of actual work. Try this instead.

Unless you've had a self-portrait commissioned, which would actually be rather strange, you haven't had the overwhelming joy of seeing your likeness in an illustration. When I first happened on the DesignHerGals website a few years ago, I may or may not have been on the computer for an hour. Or two. It's addictive, especially when you branch out into "designing" everyone you know, because who wouldn't want to receive a supermodel cartoon version of themselves stamped on a mug? (That's a rhetorical question, because the answer is no one!)
bestie/partner-in-crime :: engaged cousin/fellow blogger + her fiancee :: old friend/new mama
:: a moving announcement that I nicely pushed onto my friend ::
:: c'est moi! and penny ::
Some of the gifts that I've given include a coin bank for a wedding "fund," luggage tags to celebrate a new address, a memo notepad, and mugs for my parents' house that feature each one of the family members, all complete with the little accessories that personalize it even more. You can add freckles, for pete's sake! The possibilities are endless, and it will overtake your lunch hour.. and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Coming from one of the recipients of your mug creations-- they're AWESOME!
